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shauna kocman

List your RV for FREE and get $50 after your first rental

Rent your RV on Outdoorsy and start earning extra money.

Own an RV? Earn over $50,000 per year.

Hosts on Outdoorsy earn an average of $185 per night

How much could you earn?

How it works


Sign up

Use your referral link to sign up and a $50 travel credit will automatically be applied to your account. You can use this toward your next trip or to help offset the cost of booking fees.


List an RV

This is the fun part. Brag about your rig, upload the best photos, and mention what perks come included: pillows, personal snack drawers, an inflatable paddleboard perhaps?


Make money

On average, Outdoorsy hosts earn $233/night for Class Bs, $202/night for Class Cs and $112/night for Travel Trailers.

Three reasons RV hosts prefer Outdoorsy:

In-house insurance

We have the only legal, in-house comprehensive insurance for RV rental businesses which means our hosts enjoy quicker claims processing and easier reimbursements and repairs.

Roadside and support

Our 24/7 roadside assistance and on-call customer support team help RV businesses run smoothly. Which means you can rest assured your rig — and your renters — will be safe while on the road.

In-depth driver checks

Multi-layer ID verification and comprehensive DMV checks reduce claims and help our hosts rent their rigs with peace of mind. This is one standard that sets us apart as a peer-to-peer marketplace.