Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Cargo dimensions. This does not show the bedroom or bathroom areas, only the space to bring rec vehicles etc.. Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Note: in remaining photos the 2 queen size electric bunks are shown in stored (up) position & not very visible until I take more pictures.. Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006
Fleetwood Gearbox 2006