Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Only 16 ft' long. Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Heater for night time, 2 trash cans. Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Couch converted to bed. Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Two burner stove and double sink. Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Hitch with bike rack (not shown in this image). Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
AWD with all-terrain tires to make sure you don't get stuck in the sand. Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
L shaped couch with a table that goes in front of it. Stowed away in this image.   There is storage underneath the entire couch. Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Wet bath with shower and toilet. Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992
Once you pop the top, you can access the top bed. You can also use this area for storage and sleep on the couch bed instead . Tiger Adventure Vehicles Provan GT 1992