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About Dana Kizzier

There’s a quote by Italian psychiatrist Robert Assagioli that I kept pinned on the wall above my desk for years…“There is no certainty; there is only adventure.” I believed it, and I lived it, along with another quote which has been said a lot of ways by a lot of different people…“Do what scares you.” There is no greater exhilaration for me than pushing past my fear to do something for the first time that I couldn’t ever before imagine myself doing. I’ve done it in my personal life; I’ve done it in my professional life; and, God knows, I’ve done it with horses! And now, in my 70s, I’m doing it as a full-time RVer. It’s been a big learning curve for me and I’ve had to do many things that scared me. But here I am. I’m doing it! Back home in South Dakota tonight it’s minus 11 degrees and I’m sitting here enjoying the desert sunset on BLM land in Arizona. And last summer, I was enjoying the sunsets on the Clark Fork River in Montana from the inflatable kayak I’d wanted for years and finally bought. When I get back to the Black Hills in June, I’ll be taking a break from RVing for a couple of months and I hope those who rent my Funfinder will experience the sense of well-being that I have felt living with nature, and the exhilaration that comes from getting out there and doing it!

Outdoorsy memberHost since February 2018

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