Seedhouse Guard Station is located approximately 26 miles north of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It was constructed in 1933 and offers a unique lodging opportunity for guests seeking recreation and relaxation in the Routt National Forest.This historic cabin is available for rent in the fall and winter. Guests can drive directly to the cabin when the roads are clear; however, winter access is only available by snowmobiling, cross-country skiing or snowshoeing over three miles from the end of the plowed road. The cabin offers some amenities, but guests need to pack in several of their own supplies.
Seedhouse Guard Station is located approximately 26 miles north of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It was constructed in 1933 and offers a unique lodging opportunity for guests seeking recreation and relaxation in the Routt National Forest.This historic cabin is available for rent in the fall and winter. Guests can drive directly to the cabin when the roads are clear; however, winter access is only available by snowmobiling, cross-country skiing or snowshoeing over three miles from the end of the plowed road. The cabin offers some amenities, but guests need to pack in several of their own supplies.