Oak Thicket Park On Lake Fayette can be found in Fayetteville, TX, which is in the southeastern portion of the state. The nearest larger town is La Grange at less than 15 miles to the west. The campground is centrally located among three of the state's larger cities, with Austin being around 75 miles to the northwest, San Antonio at around 122 miles to the southwest and Houston, and the Gulf Coast, being almost 100 miles to the east.This part of Texas is greener and more wooded than the drier, western half. Oak Thicket Park On Lake Fayette sits within the boundaries of a local county park, which is situated on the northern shore of the Fayette County Reservoir. Bathrooms and showers are offered for guests, and the kids can enjoy the playground equipment. Pets are welcome, as well. The campsites also provide a variety of hookups.With a stay at Oak Thicket Park On Lake Fayette, a family-friendly campground in southeastern Texas, you should have no trouble finding any services you may need. There are a number of gas stations and grocery stores found in the small towns that surround the camp. You should easily be able to refill any supplies you run low on at one of these locations. There are also several restaurants available in these downtown areas where you can grab a quick bite to eat. Camping with an RV in this part of the country makes for a great base camp to explore all around the local region.
Oak Thicket Park On Lake Fayette can be found in Fayetteville, TX, which is in the southeastern portion of the state. The nearest larger town is La Grange at less than 15 miles to the west. The campground is centrally located among three of the state's larger cities, with Austin being around 75 miles to the northwest, San Antonio at around 122 miles to the southwest and Houston, and the Gulf Coast, being almost 100 miles to the east.This part of Texas is greener and more wooded than the drier, western half. Oak Thicket Park On Lake Fayette sits within the boundaries of a local county park, which is situated on the northern shore of the Fayette County Reservoir. Bathrooms and showers are offered for guests, and the kids can enjoy the playground equipment. Pets are welcome, as well. The campsites also provide a variety of hookups.With a stay at Oak Thicket Park On Lake Fayette, a family-friendly campground in southeastern Texas, you should have no trouble finding any services you may need. There are a number of gas stations and grocery stores found in the small towns that surround the camp. You should easily be able to refill any supplies you run low on at one of these locations. There are also several restaurants available in these downtown areas where you can grab a quick bite to eat. Camping with an RV in this part of the country makes for a great base camp to explore all around the local region.