One of the most effective marketing tactics is offering a deal to your guests that’s a win for them and for you. Thanks to the new host tools in our dashboards, we’re now in an even stronger position to leverage special offers for our guests that win across the board.
This post digs into the tactics and tools that’ll help you get more bookings through dynamic discounts.

New Tool: Shopping Date Discount
Let’s say you have an annual music festival near you that’s uber-popular with the RVing crowd. The shopping date discount is tailor-made for this. Here’s how to use it:
1. Navigate to the ‘profit plan’ tab for each listing you want to offer the discount and select ‘create rule’.
2. Select the ‘shopping date discount‘ bubble and name the rule so you know what the discount is for.
3. ‘Choose guest shopping dates‘ lets you pick the date range you want to offer the discount. Keep this window tight if you want to offer an ‘early bird’ discount to astute renters shopping early. This feature is also handy if you want guests to get a discount for any departure date as long as they book within the shopping window you set here.
For example, you might use the shopping date adjustment to offer a winter booking discount where guests get a deal for trips taken any time of the year provided that they book in January.
4. ‘Apply this rule to your calendar‘ is where you make the discount valid only for trips beginning and ending within the relevant date range. This helps ensure that renters coming for the special event get the discount.
You can also check the box to apply the rule immediately with no end date.
5. ‘Set up your discount‘ lets you create a percentage or dollar-based discount that’s valid for the time period and shopping window you created above.
6. Click save and your discount is live!

New Tool: Discounts Promoted to Guests
You’ve probably dropped items into an online shopping cart and had a message like this pop up: ‘Just $10 more for free shipping!‘
That stuff works. And that’s why we’ve added a similar feature to our booking platform.
For example, let’s say you offer a length-of-trip discount that kicks in for guests who book trips of six nights or more. Before, guests booking five nights would have no way of knowing you offer this screaming deal.
But now they do. Check it out:
Discounts done the right way lead to better revenue for you and better experiences for guests. By implementing these new discount tools, you can increase exposure for your RV, help more guests have more fun on the road, and snag bookings early so you don’t sweat it later.